Monday, March 7, 2011

Exploring more of Budapest

This weekend, I stayed in the city. I spent most of a very cloudy Friday nestled in Praga Kavehaz with some tea and homework. The coffee house is very cozy with excellent tea, antique decor and lots of pictures of the ever lovely Prague. The kavehaz and Lord Tennyson's tea shop are quickly becoming favorite haunts of mine. Saturday was sunny and warmish for the first time in weeks, so naturally I had to be outside. My friend Ana, her roommate Csilla ( pronounce Chee-la), and I walked down Andrassy Ut. Budapest's equivalent of the Champs Elysee and then made our way to Margit Island. Margit Island is a giant car free park. The island a sport arena, running trails, and outdoor concert venue, and apparently a small zoo. It's full of people walking their dogs and playing rugby. I saw what looked to be a pug convention. (Dogs are shockingly well behaved here. Even in the park.) I'll post photo's of the island in the spring when it's prettier.
On Sunday it was colder, so Ana and I decided it was museum day. We went to the House of Terror, a museum in the building that housed the Hungarian Nazi and Communist regimes. It was quite the experience. You enter and there is a giant soviet tank that they've turned into a fountain with a wall of photos of victims of the regimes behind it. The museum is very modern and conceptual with music accompanying each room and lots of video footage. Occasionally it was hard to tell what was going on particularly due to the lack of english subtitles, but it was very well done on the whole. I really have to give  these people credit for trying to make history interesting and accessible to the masses.

I'm jetting off to Istanbul on Thursday, so expect a much more interesting post and many pictures very soon!

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